Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Social and Cultural Media Changes

What will be the tipping point and what will the long term effects be?

Amazing, is what comes to mind when comparing the events in the 50’s to the events of today.  Looking at the power of one’s voice on a simple blog and the far reaching effects of influence it may have on society not just locally but globally.
There is such a delicate balance right now, but little by little I feel the power of influence returning to the consumer.  People are rejecting the idea that they are little more than a product to be molded, shaped and sold to the highest bidder.
As more and more people break the mold the balance in power and influence will shift causing the information age as we know it to crash to the ground busting into millions of pieces.
Just as society weathered the storms of the past it will take its shattered pieces and create a beautiful mosaic.  A system of communication that will far surpass today’s outdated system. 

1 comment:

  1. Angel: Are these comments your blog comments for week 2? If so, please copy & paste to the class blog rather than posting to your personal blog. Everyone's blog comments need to be posted to the same place, to avoid confusion and to encourage students to make comments on each others' posts.
    Dr. Cooper
